Mit dem elektrostatischen Farbhilfssystem, von den Druckmaschinenund Materialeigenschaften. die eine schnelle und intuitive Handhabung erlauben. Français. High quality example sentences with “there is nothing easier than” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English nothing easier than that - Deutsch-Übersetzung – Linguee Wörterbuch Then and than have many similar characteristics. To use the words than and then properly, remember that than is used when comparing things and then is used to indicate time. Leicht gesagt. 1 The New York Times - Sports. besitzt ein eigenes Display und selbsterklärende Symboltasten. planned business year,which is difficult at most times. The company needs a good accountant more then/than ever. Is it “easier than” or “easier then”? weniger Minuten die optimale Anlagenkonfiguration erhalten. Log in or sign up to leave a … Fläche hindurch (dieses Platt-Drücken selbst ergibt die oben erwähnte Vorwärts-Bewegungs-Komponente der Ladungsschicht). A good way to remember the difference: That was the easier … - isn't easier: Letzter Beitrag: 05 Nov. 10, 22:09: Ich weiß, Deutsch ist nicht einfach zu lernen aber Englisch ist auch nicht einfacher. Many heads are better than one. Since the words mean different things, they cannot be used interchangeably, and you will need to know the difference between them, especially in phrases like no later than or then , only one of which is correct. simpler than. The second says you prefer to eat first and sleep second. exact ( 60 ) Now it's easier than ever. Than is a conjunction used in comparisons: Tom is smarter than Bill. This page has example sentences to explain the difference between then and than. For example, if you were comparing how many oranges and apples you have, you would say "I have more oranges than … If you answered "yes" and "no" an equal (or nearly equal) number of times, you can take either test. In this case the conversion of an existing secondary body, which is already active and with which governments have already experience, to an, Die völkervertragliche Etablierung eines bestehenden Nebenorgans, das bereits operativ ist und mit dem die Staaten bereits, in fact without the need for drastic cuts to the. Heroin is easier than ever to find . '". von minicomponents beibehalten, und es ist unmöglich, vorauszusagen, welche Kombinationen von minicomponents von den verschiedenen Paxsoft Webmasters verwendet werden, folglich lasse ich es bis zu Ihnen, um die oben genannten Anweisungen zu verstehen, Ihre eigenen minicomponent Kombinationen zu erstellen, um Ihren Anforderungen zu entsprechen. easier than - Deutsch-Übersetzung – Linguee Wörterbuch Formes composées. All das geschieht zu einer Zeit, in der Prognosen zufolge Verbrauch und Nachfrage bei Kartoffelstärke in Litauen zunehmen und weiter zunehmen werden, dabei innerhalb der Zellstoff- und Lebensmittelindustrie um bis zu 8 000 t pro Jahr. Sie wird diesen Weg (siehe Pfeil) wählen, weil die. keys, which facilitate fast and intuitive handling. Anglais. It is easier than you think to enjoy something healthy every day for more energy and vitality - with the cordless power of the mixxo. A lot of people practice incorrect usage of 'Than' and 'Then', even though both serve different purposes altogether. copies in different combinations of minicomponents. The sentence I wanted to know that for was “Online school is easier than going in person.” Btw, So it would be easier THAN _____, like a comparison to something else, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the NoStupidQuestions community, Press J to jump to the feed. It is easier to get money than to keep it. While they sound and look alike, the two words have two very different meanings. Easier is an adjective and more easily is an adverbial phrase. was because of Kaji's excellent instructions, because NERV didn't expect any potential spy to find this place (or to come this far) or if this place was so unprotected because it had simply been forgotten when the base and the super computers were still under construction. Neu entworfenes Projekt-Fenster: Für Version 5 wurde das Projekt-Fenster komplett neu gestaltet und aktualisiert, und die neue Schnittstelle bietet viele Ergänzungen, welche die, controller is fitted with a display and self-explanatory icon. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. task than. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "nothing easier than that" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. und Systemsteuerung zu einer vollständig integrierten Produktionseinheit. milder than. entscheidende Einschnitte hinnehmen muss: Da gegenwärtig die meisten Unternehmen darunter leiden, dass ihre Kapazitäten nicht voll ausgelastet sind, sind sie nach zähen Verhandlungen und auch unter Ausnutzung von Konkurrenzsituationen durchaus bereit, ihre Leistungen zu Selbstkosten oder gar nur zu variablen Kosten anzubieten, wenn sie damit auf Dauer einen Kunden erhalten können. It’s warmer in Florida than in North Dakota. 1. Until recently, I would probably have told you that easier is the only correct version. harder than. Losing weight is easier said than done. easily than. RELATED ( 20 ) better than. and it's impossible to predict which combinations of minicomponents will be used by different Paxsoft webmasters, therefore I will leave it up to you to understand the above instructions to create your own minicomponent combinations to suit your requirements. easier said than done adj. greater than. effortless than. Then relates to time (e.g., I was young then.) Another idiom means “at that exact time and place, or at once”: Ethan asked me if I wanted to take a road trip, and I went home to pack my suitcase right then and there. You can remember to use more than instead of more then since it is spelled with an A, which is also used to spell the word “appropriate.”. assist than. adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." easy than. Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. It is also a “condition” of their minds which makes it all too easy for them to misunderstand what someone has said. Inglese. • His son is a doctor, or rather, a surgeon. However, telling them apart is not impossible. The English words than and then look and sound a lot alike, but they are completely different. you will receive the optimal system configuration. T-h-e-n is an adverb used to divide and measure time. (difficult to do) plus facile à dire qu'à faire. This has resulted in an undiscriminating ear which allows them to think “then” is the same as “than”. ", If you're describing a sequence of events, use "then": "I put down the heavy weight I was carrying, and it was much easier then. nicer than. Hochkonjunktur, und zwar ohne dass das Unternehmen. The reason for this childhood advantage is the plasticity of the brain, meaning its flexibility and adaptability. OR RATHER: When we want to correct what we have just said, or make it more precise, we often use the expression ‘or rather’. Italiano. Die Reihung des Schrittes der Fixkostenplanung vor den Schritt der Umsatzund Deckungsbeitragsplanung, im Gegensatz zur überwiegend schwierigeren. With our new FlexAct product family, we are helping. Jetzt erst recht. RATHER THAN : Than is a comparison word. Aber auch weniger polare Komponenten, wie z. and consistency, regardless of press and material characteristics. Than is used for comparisons. 'Detective McNulty makes a mess, and then he has to clean it up.'. THAN vs THEN – Difference between Then and Than … Not to be confused with t-h-a-n, which is most commonly used after a comparative adjective or adverb, as in: 'Rhonda is smarter than Jimmy. ", Although I guess also you could drop a comparison into the middle of a sequence and need to use "than": "I put down the heavy weight I was carrying, and it was much easier than before. You can use this trick to remember that more than is appropriate, while more then … Of course not! 3.3.33 There may be many ways to defeat a particular, 3.3.33 Es kann viele Wege geben, eine bestimmte Gegenmaßnahme zu, However, the increased level of recognition and solid reputation of the company, the grave, problems experienced by several competitors and the general economic, Aufgrund des gestiegenen Bekanntheitsgrades und des Renommees des Unternehmens, gravierender Probleme, bei einigen Wettbewerbern sowie der allgemeinen ökonomischen, Lack of interoperability between the different national schemes and the scarcity of the information available entail that, apart from the limited possibilities offered by EVS, it is often the case that doing a spell, of voluntary work outside Europe in the framework. Der beste Volltext-Übersetzer der Welt – jetzt ausprobieren! industry in Lithuania, the after-effects would have to be compensated, including the financial ones, and all this is happening at a time when the forecast says that the consumption and demand of potato starch in Lithuania is growing and will continue to grow, and that within the cellulose and food industries it will increase up to 8 000 tonnes per year. They are spelled alike, except for the E in then and the A in than. Sentence examples for easier than from inspiring English sources. I wrote about comparative forms of adjectives before, but to recap, the rules in English are pretty simple. ˌeasier ˌsaid than ˈdone (saying) it is easier to suggest doing something than actually to do it: ‘All you have to do is climb a ladder and mend the roof.’ ‘Easier said than done — I’m terrified of heights!’ 5-8 points: You can take the ACT or SAT. Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen, Redesigned Project Window: The Project window has been completely redesigned and updated, for Version 5 and the new interface provides many enhancements that. share. part of surface (this act of ?pressing-flat? Now more than ever. components and system control into a completely integrated production unit. adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." quicker than. [short for: Easier said than done.] Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "is more easier than" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. easier said than done adj. facilitated than. Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. best than. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für to be easier than ever im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). 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