Here, the offerings to the gods and ritual items were stored. Die meisten besuchen die nubische Stadt auf einem Tagesausflug von Kairo oder Assuan aus oder als Verlängerung einer Kreuzfahrt … I am so happy you liked it. After the building of the dam, a massive artificial water reservoir was formed. I think I would take your advice and take a tour. Destinia verfügt über 7 Hotels in Abu Simbel ab 210 €. The reliefs depicting him conquering his enemies are throughout the Great Temple. The flight takes only 45 minutes. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Matterport hat das Tourismus- und Antikenministerium Ägyptens einen neuen virtuellen Rundgang veröffentlicht: den großen Tempel Ramses’ II. The temple’s facade was discovered in 1811 by Swiss orientalist Jean-Louis Burckhardt (also known as John Lewis, Jean Louis). Belzoni returned in 1817 and this time, he succeeded in entering the temples. According to wikivoyage: “Foreign travellers can get to Abu Simbel by coach or minibus (tour) from Aswan, travelling in convoys. Katarakte sind durch Blöcke oder Felsriegel gegliederte Stromschnellen, sie waren für die Nilschifffahrt vor allem bei Niedrigwasser nur schwer passierbar. Warten Sie nicht länger und holen Sie jetzt das Bestmögliche raus aus unseren Angeboten für Ihr Hotel in Abu Simbel, bevor es zu spät ist! However, keep in mind, that there are no direct flights from Luxor to Aswan and you will have a stopover in Aswan. Egypt is high on my bucket list! Der ursprüngliche Zweck war es, den unterworfenen Nubiern zu demonstrieren, über welche Macht das Pharaonenreich verfügte. By the way, cartouches were formerly only worn by Pharaohs. And, lastly, Ramses II wanted to impress Egypt’s neighbors, the Nubians. Originally, the Abu Simbel Temple Complex was constructed 280 km (174 miles) southwest from Aswan. As a result, twice a year, on February 22 and October 22, the sunlight reaches 55 meters (180 feet) into the innermost room of the temple and illuminates the three of the four sitting statues. Notably, it is the first time ever, that he statue of a wife was carved the same size as the statue of the Pharaoh himself. Appearance: Man with the head of a hawk, with a sun disk headdress. Abu Simbel befindet sich in Nubien und ist etwa 300 Kilometer südlich von Assuan gelegen. The Great Temple was cut into 807 blocks and the Small Temple was cut into 235 blocks. First of all, the facade of this structure is incredible! Second, Ramses II wanted to commemorate his victory at the Battle of Kadesh. I did a lot of research as to why the sun enters the inner sanctum on these two specific days: February 22 and October 22. Most travelers come here for their day trip as it is the best time to see those magnanimous temples built here that make pyramids even less majestic. Einleitung – Vom Sand zugeschüttet, vergessen und wiederentdeckt – Die ägyptologische Erforschung des Tempels beginnt – Der Tourismus beginnt – Dem Tempel droht Gefahr, aber er wird gerettet. The relocation process started with extracting the walls and ceilings of the temples from inside the mountain. After having been lifted by the crane, the blocks were lowered to the storage area. However, the town's main attractions, the Temple of Ramses II and Nefertari's Temple of Hathor, were almost lost to the rising waters of Lake Nasser in the 1960s. In der Vergangenheit lag Abu Simbel am Westufer des Nils zwischen dem ersten und zweiten Katarakt. Re-erecting the roofs and the walls of the temple were the next steps in the Abu Simbel temple relocation process. Appearance: A mummified man wearing a white cone-like headdress with feathers. in Abu Simbel. Bei solch einer Kreuzfahrt lernt man unter anderem so imposante Bauwerke wie das Tal der Könige, die Tempelanlagen von Abu Simbel oder auch den Assuan Staudamm kennen. Temple of Ramesses II. Februar 2021 von Jolly Thews In Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Matterport hat das Tourismus- und Antikenministerium Ägyptens einen neuen virtuellen Rundgang veröffentlicht: den großen Tempel Ramses’ II. Zur Zeit Ramses II. It is 35 meters (115 feet) long and 30 meters (98 feet) high. in Abu Simbel. Saving for future planning. Usually, the statues of wives and children are never higher than the Pharaoh knees. At that time we cancelled our trip. Also, that 2x a year (2/22 and 10/22, sunlight reaches deep into the innermost room of the temple and illuminates 3 of 4 sitting statues. There has been so many new discoveries, that, I am sure, you will find it engaging. You would love it! Osiris was the brother/husband of Isis, and the brother of Nepthys and Seth. Also, interestingly enough, the statues of Ramses II and Nefertari’s  daughters are depicted as taller than their sons. I have seen tour buses and occasionally, a few private vehicles. Amada - Abu Simbel: Die Bewertungen des Grünen Reiseführers von Michelin, praktische Infos, Karte und Routenplanung für Ihre Reise nach Abu Simbel Shame, I know … Next time! Amada - Abu Simbel: Die Bewertungen des Grünen Reiseführers von Michelin, praktische Infos, Karte und Routenplanung für Ihre Reise nach Abu Simbel There are several reasons why Ramses II built the two temples. Osiris was the god of the dead, and ruler of the underworld. And, stayed buried in sand for centuries. Each and every block was marked with a number. Die Hauptattraktion sind zwei große Tempel, die von Ramses II. As far as the landscape, it is rather monotonous with the desert all around you. Fortunately, UNESCO stepped in and saved them, preserving the intricate carvings inside both structures. I loved reading about the history too. Chr.) Luxor/Abu Simbel - Die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den Ägyptern und ihren Behörden beeinträchtigen zunehmend den Tourismus. You will really enjoy learning about the history, culture, inventions, oh, the list just goes on. 10 25 50. Results per page. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Specifically, it is situated 287 km (178 mi) from Aswan and 499 km (310 mi) from Luxor. She was also the goddess of love and joy. And, around the knees of the statues are figures of some of Ramses II’s wives and children. Specifically, there are four figures of Ramses II and two of Queen Nefertari. Check the flight schedule before finalizing your itinerary. By the way, I studied linguistics as well (English language), so I appreciated the insight into the hieroglyphs. 280 km südlich von Assuan, direkt am westlichen Ufer des Nils, liess Ramses II. Diese Tatsache führte dazu, dass sich in der Nähe der Tempel eine kleine Ortschaft entwickelt hat, die hauptsächlich vom Tourismus lebt. Auf dem Seeweg über den schiffbaren Nassersee, den Bodenweg über eine Straße, die durch die Libysche Wüste führt und Abu Simbel mit der Gouvernement-Hauptstadt Assuan verbindet und über den Luftweg aufgrund des stadteigenen Flughafens Wegen der relativ großen Entfernung zur nächsten großen Stadt hat sich in der Nähe der Tempel eine kleine Ortschaft entwickelt, die zum größten Teil vom Tourismus lebt. They provided for me a private minibus with two drivers and a tour guide. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The Abu Simbel Temple Complex consists of two temples: the Great Temple built to honor Ramses II and the Small temple constructed to honor Ramesses II’s chief consort, Nefertari. It really helps a lot. If you're currently planning a trip to Egypt, please consider the risks and monitor your government's travel alerts. What a treat! Seit dem Jahr 1979 zählen die Tempel von Abu Simbel zum Weltkulturerbe der After exploring the temple interiors, take in stunning views over the lake and desert. Notably, one of the statues lost its head and torso in an earthquake in 27 BC. I wonder why not the 4th though? We were planning a trip to Egypt a few years ago and then the 2013 riots hit a few weeks before we were supposed to fly. Required fields are marked *. Now, reading your post, it makes me want to resurrect our plans. That is indeed a detailed guide. Übersicht der Tourismus-Aktivitäten in Abu Simbel, Ägypten. Even though the tour guide wasn’t allowed in, it sounds like having a live person share all that information with you before getting to the site would be worth it. Your email address will not be published. Abu Simbel is two massive rock-cut temples in the village of Abu Simbel (Arabic: أبو سمبل ‎), Aswan Governorate, Upper Egypt, near the border with Sudan.They are situated on the western bank of Lake Nasser, about 230 km (140 mi) southwest of Aswan (about 300 km (190 mi) by road). Das kleine Abu-Simbel liegt 280 km südlich von Assuan und nur 40 km nördlich der Grenze zum Sudan. However, the creation of Lake Nasser threatened to engulf the temples. I will also think of Abu Simbel. Next to the Great Temple of Abu Simbel, sits the Small Temple. That is so interesting that this Great Temple of Abu Simbel was carved out of solid rock. Author: Zureks. My tour guide utilized the 3-hour time window to talk to me about the history of Abu Simbel, and the history of Egypt, as well as give me many pointers as to what to pay attention to while I visiting the temple complex. Burckhardt talked about his discovery with Italian explorer Giovanni Belzoni. Ca. The history of the creation of Lake Nasser as well as the relocation of the temples is truly fascinating.
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